2015 Publications
Joint kernel based supervised hashing for scalable histopathological image analysis
M. Jiang, S. Zhang, J. Huang, L. Yang, D. N. Metaxas
MICCAI, 2015
PIEFA: Personalized Incremental and Ensemble Face Alignment
X. Peng, S. Zhang, Y. Yu, D. N. Metaxas
ICCV, 2015
Bodypart Recognition Using Multi-stage Deep Learning
Z. Yan, Y. Zhan, Z. Peng, S. Liao, Y. Shinagawa, D. N. Metaxas, X. Zhou
IPMI, 2015
2014 Publications
Consensus of Regression for Occlusion-Robust Facial Feature Localization
X. Yu, Z. Lin, J. Brandt and D.N. Metaxas
ECCV 2014
Untangling Object-View Manifold for Multiview Recognition and Pose Estimation
A. Bakry and A. Elgammal
ECCV 2014
Scalable Histopathological Image Analysis via Active Learning
Y. Zhu, S. Zhang, W. Liu, D.N. Metaxas
Optree: a Learning-Based Adaptive Watershed Algorithm for Neuron Segmentation
M. Uzunbas, C. Chen, D. N. Metaxas
2013 Publications
Pose-free Facial Landmark Fitting via Optimized Part Mixtures and Deformable Shape Model
X. Yu, J. Huang, S. Zhang, W. Yan and D.N. Metaxas
ICCV 2013
Online Motion Segmentation using Dynamic Label Propagation
A. Elqursh and A. Elgammal
ICCV 2013
Write a Classifier: Zero Shot Learning Using Purely Textual Descriptions
M. Elhoseiny, B. Saleh, and A.Elgammal
ICCV 2013
A New Adaptive Segmental Matching Measure for Human Activity Recognition
S. Shariat and V. Pavlovic
ICCV 2013
Handling Noise in Single Image Deblurring Using Directional Filters
L. Zhong, S. Cho, D. N. Metaxas, S. Paris and J. Wang
CVPR 2013: 612-619
Object-Centric Anomaly Detection by Attribute-Based Reasoning
B. Saleh, A. Farhadi and A. Elgammal
CVPR 2013: 787-794
MKPLS: Manifold Kernel Partial Least Squares for Lipreading and Speaker Identification
A. Bakry and A. Elgammal
CVPR 2013: 684-691
Collaborative Multi Organ Segmentation by Integrating Deformable and Graphical Models
M. Uzunbas, C. Chen, S. Zhang, K. Pohl, K. Li, D. N. Metaxas
MICCAI 2013: 157-164
Sparse Deformable Models with Application to Cardiac Motion Analysis
Y. Yu, S. Zhang, J. Huang, D. N. Metaxas and L. Axel
IPMI 2013: 208-219
Segmenting the Papillary Muscles and the Trabeculae from High Resolution Cardiac CT through Restoration of Topological Handles
M. Gao, C. Chen, S. Zhang, Z. Qian, D. N. Metaxas and L. Axel
IPMI 2013: 184-195
2012 Publications
Query Specific Fusion for Image Retrieval
S. Zhang, M. Yang, T. Cour, K. Yu and D. N. Metaxas
ECCV 2012: 660-673
Background Subtraction using Group Sparsity and Low Rank constraint
X. Cui, J. Huang, S. Zhang and D. N. Metaxas
ECCV 2012: 612-625
Kernel Conditional Ordinal Random Fields for Temporal Segmentation of Facial Action Units
O. Rudovic, V. Pavlovic and M. Pantic
ECCV 2012: 260-269
Dynamic Probabilistic CCA for Analysis of Affective Behaviour
M. A. Nicolaou, V. Pavlovic and M. Pantic
ECCV 2012: 98-111
Online Moving Camera Background Subtraction
A. Elqursh and A. Elgammal
ECCV 2012: 228-241
Facial Expression Editing in Video Using a Temporally-Smooth Factorization
F. Yang, L. Bourdev, E. Shechtman, J. Wang and D. N. Metaxas
CVPR 2012: 861-868
Learning Active Facial Patches for Expression Analysis
L. Zhong, Q. Liu, P. Yang, B. Liu, J. Huang and D. N. Metaxas
CVPR 2012: 2562-2569
Multi-output Laplacian Dynamic Ordinal Regression for Facial Expression Recognition and Intensity Estimation
O. Rudovic, V. Pavlovic and M. Pantic
CVPR 2012: 2634-2641
RigMesh: automatic rigging for part-based shape modeling and deformation
P. Borosán, M. Jin, D. DeCarlo, Y. I. Gingold and A. Nealen
ACM Trans. Graph. 31(6): 198
Simplified Labeling Process for Medical Image Segmentation
M. Gao, J. Huang, X. Huang, S. Zhang and D. N. Metaxas
MICCAI 2012: 387-394
Shape Prior Modeling using Sparse Representation and Online Dictionary Learning
S. Zhang, Y. Zhan, Y. Zhou, M. Uzunbas and D. N. Metaxas
MICCAI 2012: 435-442
Temporal Shape Analysis via the Spectral Signature
E. Bernardis, E. Konukoglu, Y. Ou, D. N. Metaxas, B. Desjardins and K. Pohl
MICCAI 2012: 49-56
2011 Publications
Optimal Object Matching via Convexification and Composition
H. Li, J. Huang, S. Zhang, and X. Huang
ICCV 2011: 33-40
A 3D Laplacian-Driven Parametric Deformable Model
T. Shen, X. Huang, H. Li, E. Kim, S. Zhang, and J. Huang
ICCV 2011: 279-286
Regression from Local Features for Viewpoint and Posture Estimation
M. Torki and A. Elgammal
ICCV 2011: 2603-2610
A Framework for Global Vehicle Localization Using Stereo Images and Satellite and Road Maps
T. Senlet and A. Elgammal
ICCV 2011: 2034-2041
Abnormal Detection Using Interaction Energy Potentials
X. Cui, Q. Liu, M. Gao and D. N. Metaxas
CVPR 2011: 3161-3167
Sparse Shape Composition: A New Framework for Shape Prior Modeling
S. Zhang, Y. Zhan, M. Dewan, J. Huang, D. N. Metaxas and X. Zhou
CVPR 2011: 1025-1032
Supervised hypergraph labeling
T. Parag and A. Elgammal
CVPR 2011: 2289-2296
Line-Based Relative Pose Estimation
A. Elqursh and A. Elgammal
CVPR 2011: 3049-3056
Perceptual models of viewpoint preference
A. Secord, J. Lu, A. Finkelstein, M. Singh and A. Nealen
ACM Trans. Graph. 30(5): 109
Expression flow for 3D-aware face component transfer
F. Yang, J. Wang, E. Shechtman, L. D. Bourdev and D. N. Metaxas
ACM Trans. Graph. 30(4): 60
Using High Resolution Cardiac CT Data to Model and Visualize Patient-Specific Interactions Between Trabeculae and Blood Flow
S. Kulp, M. Gao, S. Zhang, Z. Qian, S. Voros, L. Axel and D. N. Metaxas
MICCAI 2011: 468-475
Deformable Segmentation via Sparse Shape Representation
S. Zhang, Y. Zhan, M. Dewan, J. Huang, D. N. Metaxas and X. S. Zhou
MICCAI 2011: 451-458
3D Segmentation of Rodent Brain Structures Using Hierarchical Shape Priors and Deformable Models
S. Zhang, J. Huang, M. G. Uzunbas, T. Shen, F. Delis, X. Huang, N. D. Volkow, P. K. Thanos, D. N. Metaxas
MICCAI 2011::611-618
Entangled Decision Forests and Their Application for Semantic Segmentation of CT Images
A. Montillo, J. Shotton, J. M. Winn, J. E. Iglesias, D. N. Metaxas and A. Criminisi
IPMI 2011: 184-196
2010 Publications
Fast Optimization for Mixture Prior Models
J. Huang, S. Zhang and D. N. Metaxas
ECCV 2010: 607-620
Motion Profiles for Deception Detection using Visual Cues
N. Michael, M. Dilsizian, D. N. Metaxas and J. K. Burgoon
ECCV 2010: 462-475
Structured output ordinal regression for dynamic facial emotion intensity prediction
M. Kim and V. Pavlovic
ECCV 2010: 649-662
Exploring Facial Expression with Compositional Features
P. Yang, Q. Liu and D. N. Metaxas
CVPR 2010: 2638-2644
Automatic Image Annotation Using Group Sparsity
S. Zhang, J. Huang, Y. Huang and D. N. Metaxas
CVPR 2010: 3312-3319
Image Retrieval via Probabilistic Hypergraph Ranking
Y. Huang, Q. Liu, S. Zhang and D. N. Metaxas
CVPR 2010: 3376-3383
One-Shot Multi-Set Non-rigid Feature-Spatial Matching
M. Torki and A. Elgammal
CVPR 2010: 3058-3065
Putting Local Features on a Manifold
M. Torki and A. Elgammal
CVPR 2010: 1743-1750
Efficient MR Image Reconstruction for Compressed MR Imaging
J. Huang, S. Zhang and D. N. Metaxas
MICCAI 2010:135-142
Lesion-Specific Coronary Artery Calcium Quantification for Predicting Cardiac Event with Multiple Instance Support Vector Machines
Q. Liu, Z. Qian, I. Marvasty, S. Rinehart, S. Voros and D. N. Metaxas
MICCAI 2010: 484-492